Handy Commands: For fast processing and utilization
  Semi-colon: ";" = used after command to run commands one after another.
  Pipe: "|" = to take input of one command and feed to another command i.e inbetween steps are piped.
  Accessing other Systems: ssh = to access other ips to get more system utilization.
  Parallel Processing: "&" = ampersand is used to run programs in background.
  Detach from system nohup = no hang up to detach and run even after exiting terminal.
  CPU utilization: taskset = assign  specific cpu range to specific command i.e sets the CPU affinity.
Other Linux Commands:
  Commands you will learn on the go:
Start with: pwd, uname, ls, top, atop, htop, mkdir, cd, rmdir, rm, cat touch, wc, head, tail; Let's Find Out: ls -alh, ps aux, clear, ctrl+l, locate, find, whereis; Don't let interest go away: sl, Do some tricks: history, kill, cp, mv, ssh, scp, rsync, df -h, du, cmp, sudo, apt, snap, chmod, free; File operations: awk, sed, grep, sort, uniq, tr, cmp; Compress a command: alias, unalias; Ip address access: ifconfig, wget, curl, netstat; Compilers: java, g++, gcc; Last login: last -x.
Other Linux Commands: Details and Examples
Cat: to concatenate; view content from file and also to write to a fileExamples: Command: cat > testfile.txt 1 ravi India entr; ctrl+z Command: cat >> testfile.txt 2 somya India Command: cat testfile.txt Output: 1 ravi India 2 somya India
cp: to copy a file/folder Examples: Command: cp
cp: to copy a file/folder Examples: Command: cp
cp: to copy a file/folder Examples: Command: cp
cp: to copy a file/folder Examples: Command: cp
cp: to copy a file/folder Examples: Command: cp
cp: to copy a file/folder Examples: Command: cp
cp: to copy a file/folder Examples: Command: cp
cp: to copy a file/folder Examples: Command: cp
cp: to copy a file/folder Examples: Command: cp
Parallel Processing: CPU utilization:
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